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No Respect for Giuseppe

In a little immigrant port town
I heard this tale of woe,
The very sad story of Giuseppe,
Giuseppe Angelo.

He was a master carpenter
A man of ability,
And his surpassing skill
Was matched by his energy.

“See all-a these-a houses,”
He thought that I should know.
“I build them with my two hands,
Am I ‘Giuseppe-the-house-builder’? No.”

“And see all-a those-a boats.
Don’t-a believe it but it’s so.
I made-a most every one of them,
Am I ‘Giuseppe-the-boat-builder’? No.”

“But then somehow it-a happened.
It hadda to be my luck
In a moment of-a my weakness
I just-a fuck-a one duck.”

David Martin

Another politically incorrect “poke.”

2 Thoughts to “No Respect for Giuseppe”

  1. […] that the risk of public exposure and humiliation, such as that implied in the punchline of “No Respect for Giuseppe,” would be sufficient discouragement from engaging in the […]

  2. Valerie Protopapas

    Better a duck than a child.

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